We all know what a stubby holder is. It keeps your precious drink cool AND it’s an essential item for any Aussie summer BBQ. All of us beer lovers are bloody grateful these handy products exist – but where did they come from? Let’s explore the history of the humble stubby holder.
First Things First: What’s with the Name?
In Australia, these magnificent beer gloves are typically called stubby holders or stubby coolers. So where does the word ‘stubby’ come from? Well, this term describes a local 375mL bottle of beer that’s wider than (but not as tall as) imported beer bottles. Think of it like the word ‘stocky’ – but for a beverage instead of a person.
In other countries, you are more likely to hear the term ‘can cooler’ or just ‘cooler.’ One word you might have only heard, if you’ve been to the US or England, is ‘koozie’. (Suddenly ‘stubby holder’ doesn’t sound so strange anymore!)
The Early Days of the Stubby Holder
Stubby coolers weren’t always as wonderful as they are today. In the early 80’s they were made from polystyrene foam. Whilst they were decent to hold, they were generally too big to be convenient. Plus, they didn’t really hold onto your beer tightly, which meant they didn’t always do a great job of keeping your drink cold.
Hello Neoprene Rubber
Around 1983, neoprene hit the scene. This clever material was primarily used in wetsuits – until we beer drinkers got our hands on it! Stubby holders made with neoprene were an instant hit. Flexible yet strong, they are better able to adapt to different shaped drinks. Stubby Coolers fit more snugly, keeping the beer properly incubated, and they don’t make your drink cumbersome to carry.
Perhaps the best thing about this revolution (for us at least) is that neoprene models are perfect for printing custom designs. As a synthetic fabric, it takes well to ink – and this means you can make your stubby Cooler look however you want it to. Company logo? Australian flag? Your favourite meme from the internet? Yes, yes, and yes.
Why Bother with Printed Stubby Holder?
A stubby holder is a staple of any Australian household. This means they make fantastic rewards for loyal customers. They’re also an easy item to give away as a promotional gift. The benefit for you? Your customers think happy thoughts about your business while they’re throwing back an icy cold beer. What better time is there for your brand to be in somebody’s mind?
If you’d like to find out more about our excellent promotional stubby coolers, please visit this page or call us on (07) 5575 3611.