2020 Drink Coasters – New Year

happy new year drink coasters

New Year – 2020 Drink Coasters

2020 drink coasters will see you into a new year with flying colours!

Let’s kick off the new year on a positive note. Don’t worry if you haven’t made a New Years Resolution. New Years resolutions can soon be forgotten.

Let’s mix it up a bit and create goals. Goals that are achievable and fun along the way.

Making a change for the better is always a good idea. Start small. Make it stick with smart strategies.

Energy levels after the holidays have been reset and you feel on top of the world. Maintaining this new lease on life during the year may have its challenges. Remember your goal you created today when times get hard, to see you through.2020 drink

Read on if you need inspiration for the year ahead…

1 –  Focus on a passion. Something that brings you joy.

2 – Work out to feel good – not to be thinner. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones. Great for our mental health.

3 – Spread positivity. Give one compliment a day. You never know how someone else is feeling.

4 – Do a random act of kindness. Kindness costs nothing and you will never run out of it!

5 – Turn off your phone one night a week after work. Leave your emails until the morning.

6 – Clean out the clutter and reduce waste.

7 – Read more books. Reading is good exercise for your brain but at the same time very relaxing.

8 – Do something different. Step outside your “normal”. Challenge yourself to new experiences.

9 – Give your time. Volunteering is good for both mental and physical health – for you and whoever you are helping.

10 – Be kind to yourself. Think nicer about yourself. STOP beating yourself up.

11 – Be grateful. End the day with gratitude. Before you go to sleep think of one thing you are grateful for today.

Food for thought.

Whatever your goals this year I wish you well.

Need help with 2020 drink coasters? contact us

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